News Archive
Feb 17, 2023
Check out our new paper, by Drs. Yaomin Jiang and Qingtian Mi, on why and how the human brain biases the integration of information passing through social networks in Nature Neuroscience.
Yaomin now joins Max Planck Institute for Human Development as a postdoc researcher, working on human-AI interaction on social networks. Wish him the very best of luck!
Dec 1, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Cong Wang on a very successful defense of her doctoral dissertation on the neural and cognitive development of pragmatic reasoning in adolescents!
July 14, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Qingtian Mi, who is awarded the 2022 Special Grant (pre-station) of the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Fund, a competitive grant for postdoctoral researchers nationwide.
May 22, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Yaomin Jiang on a successful defense of his doctoral dissertation.
Apr 20, 2022
In a recent review on WIREs Cog. Sci., we outlined progress and challenges in probing the neurocomputational mechanisms of strategic behavior. The paper highlights 2 research questions: How does the brain exploit past experience to learn to behave strategically? and How does the brain decide what to do in novel strategic situations in the absence of direct experience?
Mar 27, 2022
A new preprint by Yaomin, Qingtian, and Lusha is now online! This paper provides a computationally-tractable and neurobiologically-plausible account for how the brain aggregates entangeled information circulating among interconnected peers embedded in social networks.
Nov 25, 2021
Congratulations to Dr. Qingtian Mi on a successful defense of his doctoral dissertation! Dr. Mi was also awarded the top prize for excellent PhD work by Peking University.
Aug 5, 2021
Lusha joins the editorial board of PLOS Computational Biology as an Associate Editor. Look forward to working with the reputed journal and contributing to the community.
Mar 3, 2021
A new paper on social communication at Science Advances. How do our brain infers the intended meaning of a message? We show for the first time that listener's vmPFC simulates simulates speaker utterance choices in a rational, automatic manner to recover unstated intent in communication.
Dec 3, 2020
Congratulations to Yunlu Yin, a former trainee in the lab, is now going to become a tenure-track assistant professor in the School of Management, Fudan University. Wish him the very best of luck!
Feb 19, 2019
New paper on strategic learning in lesion patients by Lusha and Yaomin in collaboration with Drs. Ming Hsu and Robert Knight at Nature Communications. Damage to the basal ganglia produces decision-making deficits, but some parts of social behavior are spared. Our study resolves this puzzle by showing how the brain compensates by invoking computations subserved by other brain regions, specifically the prefrontal cortex.
Dec 6, 2018
Congratulations to Sizhi and Yunlu on a new paper at eLife. In collaboration with Dr. Jie Shi's lab, we show for the first time that preferences in simple economic choices, such as choosing between apples and oranges, do not stay sedentary during sleep but can be modulated via the delivery of covert, reward-associated cues.
May 29, 2017
Lusha has received the research scholarship grant from "1000 Talent Plan for Young Scientists" provided by the Organization Department of China.
Yaomin has been receiving President Scholarship from Peking University.
Sep 29, 2016
Multiple postdoctoral associate positions are now available. We are interested in candidates with research background in decision neuroscience or related fields. Extensive experience in TMS and/or tDCS is particularly welcome but not required. The appointment will last for two years and can be extended contingent upon research performance. Salary is highly competitive and will be commensurate with experience and qualification. Benefits for postdocs at Peking University typically also include university housing, kindergarten and primary school for children, etc.
Sep 11, 2016
Yaomin Jiang and Qingtian Mi are now formally PhD students. Xinyi Li left the lab for her PhD training at Cornell. Qian Chen from Peking Univeristy, Kehuan Lun from Beijing Normal Univerisity, and Siyu Jiang from Univeristy of Cambridge joined the lab as research assistants. Wish all the best of luck!
Oct 5, 2015
Yaomin Jiang and Yunlu Yin will bring their research project, Time Pressure Affects the Tradeoff between Honesty and Self-Interest, to the 2015 “Challenge Cup” finals, the biggest “Olympic” event for Chinese college students of academic science and technology ( 挑战杯全国总决赛).