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# co-first author; * corresponding author; lab member in bold

Neurocomputations of strategic behavior: From iterated to novel interactions

Y Jiang#, H.T. Wu#, Q Mi, L Zhu*. WIREs Cognitive Science 2022

strategic interaction, decison neuroscience, neuroeconomics, game theory

Reinforcement learning disruptions in individuals with depression and sensitivity to symptom change following cognitive behavioral therapy

V Brown, L Zhu, A Solway, J Wang, K McCurry, B King-Casas*, P Chiu*. JAMA Psychiatry. 2021

Patients with basal ganglia damage show preserved learning in an economic game

L Zhu*, Y Jiang, D Scabini, RT. Knight, M Hsu*, Nature Communications. 2019.  

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Promoting subjective preferences in simple economic choices during nap

S Ai#, Y Yin#, Y Chen, C Wang, Y Sun, X Tang, L Lu, L Zhu*, J Shi*. eLife. 2018.  [中央人民广播电台

promoting subjective preferences in simple economic choices during sleep

Predicting human behavior toward members of different social groups

AC Jenkins, P Karashchuk, L Zhu, M Hsu*. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018. [ScienceDaily]

Associability-modulated loss learning is increased in posttraumatic stress disorder.

VM Brown, L Zhu, JM Wang, BC Frueh, B King-Casas*, PH Chiu*. eLife. 2018. [ScienceDaily][eLife Podcast]



In cocaine dependence, neural prediction errors during loss avoidance are increased with cocaine deprivation and predict drug use.

JM Wang, L Zhu, VM Brown, V, R De La Garza II, T Newton, B King-Casas*, PH Chiu*. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. 2018



Distinguishing neural correlates of context-dependent advantageous-and disadvantageous-inequity aversion.

Gao, X#., Yu, H.#, Sáez, I., Blue, P. R., Zhu., L., Hsu, M., Zhou, X*. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018



Identifying new susceptibility genes on dopaminergic and serotonergic pathways for the framing effect in decision-making.

Gao X, Liu J, Gong P, Wang J, Fang W, Yan H, Zhu L, Zhou X*. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2017



Cognitive neuroscience of honesty and deception: a signaling framework

CA Jenkins, L Zhu*,  M Hsu*. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2016.



Dopamine modulates egalitarian behavior In humans

I Saez, L Zhu, E Set, A Kayser, M Hsu*. Current Biology, 2015. [Time][The Independent]



Damage to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex affects tradeoffs between honesty and self-interest

L Zhu, AC  Jenkins, E Set, D Scabini, R Knight, P Chiu, B King-Casas, and Ming Hsu*. Nature Neuroscience, 2014.[Huffington Post][新华社][PsychCentral]



Dissociable contribution of prefrontal and striatal dopaminergic genes to learning in economic games

E Set, I Saez, L Zhu, D Houser, N Myung, S Zhong, RP Ebstein*, SH Chew*, and M Hsu*. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014. [ABC Online][Daily Mail]



Commentary on Ambiguous Decisions in the Human Brain

M Hsu, L ZhuIn Tom Zentall and Phil Crowley, eds. Comparative Decision Making, 2013.



Dissociable neural representations of reinforcement and belief prediction errors underlie strategic learning

L Zhu, K Mathewson,  M Hsu*. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012.[Science Daily][和讯财经新闻



Learning in games: neural computations underlying strategic learning

M Hsu, L ZhuLouvain Economic Review, 2012.



Neuroeconomic measures of social decision-making across the lifespan

Lusha Zhu, Daniel Walsh, and Ming Hsu*. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2012.



Research Support



Understanding the production of communicative signals from a decision neuroscience perspective. Special Grant (pre-station) of the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Fund, 2022-2024, Role: PI (Qingtian Mi).

Neural mechanisms of social decision-making. National Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Major Program, No 2022ZD0205104, 2022-2026, Role: PI (L Zhu; Overarching project: Neural mechanisms and evolution of social behavior, Director: Zuoren Wang).

Neurocognitive mechanisms of learning on social networks. NSFC, No 32071095, 2021-2024, Role: PI (L Zhu)

Talent plan for young scientists. Organization Department of China, 2017, Role: PI (L Zhu)

From reinforcement to social learning: cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying social learning. NSFC, No 31671171, 2017-2020, Role: PI (L Zhu)

Decision biases: understanding, prediction, and intervention. Science and Technology Innovation, 2017-2021, Role: PI (L Zhu)

The generation and implication of social-moral emotion. NSFC, No 31630034, 2017-2021, Role on project: Co-I (PI: Xiaolin Zhou)


If you’re excited about working at the interface of social and biological sciences –– studying human nature using neuroscience, game theory, and computational modeling, this is the lab you need to be in! We are currently looking for talented postdocs and graduate students with training in computer science, mathematics, physics, economics, psychology, neuroscience, or appropriate engineering disciplines.  


  • PostdocWe are interested in candidates with a background in cognitive neuroscience, behavioral economics, machine learning, linguistics, or related fields. Expertise in natural language processing, computational modeling, fMRI, EEG/MEG, TMS, and eye tracking is particularly welcome. The appointment typically lasts for two years and can be extended contingent upon research performance. Salary is highly competitive and will be commensurate with experience and qualification. 


  • Ph.D. Student: Students interested in our Ph.D. positions are strongly recommended to apply for a short-term research intern in our lab first (e.g. summer intern). Qualified applicants will have the opportunity of working with our graduate students and getting to know the lab better. The length of the intern may vary depending on individual cases.   


  • Undergraduate Student: We are happy to offer a research assistantship for talented undergraduate students who are interested in our work and hope to enhance the learning experience through engaging in academic research. Positions are open throughout the year. Students from all majors are welcome to apply. 



© 2021 Lusha Zhu Lab

School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, PKU-Tsinghua Center for Life SciencesIDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research

Peking University

Address: 52 Haidian Rd, Wang Kezhen Bldg,  Room 1104, Haidian, Beijing, China,  100871




北京大学 心理与认知科学学院北大-清华生命科学联合中心 IDG/麦戈文脑科学研究所

地址:北京市海淀区海淀路52号王克桢楼1104, 100871

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