# co-first author; * corresponding author; lab member in bold
Neurocomputational mechanism of real-time distributed learning on social networks
Y Jiang, Q Mi, L Zhu*. Nature Neuroscience 2023. [research briefing by Nat Neuro][北大脑科学]

Neurocomputations of strategic behavior: From iterated to novel interactions
Y Jiang#, H.T. Wu#, Q Mi, L Zhu*. WIREs Cognitive Science 2022

V Brown, L Zhu, A Solway, J Wang, K McCurry, B King-Casas*, P Chiu*. JAMA Psychiatry. 2021
Q Mi, C Wang, C F. Camerer, L Zhu*. Science Advances. 2021

Patients with basal ganglia damage show preserved learning in an economic game
L Zhu*, Y Jiang, D Scabini, RT. Knight, M Hsu*, Nature Communications. 2019.

Promoting subjective preferences in simple economic choices during nap
S Ai#, Y Yin#, Y Chen, C Wang, Y Sun, X Tang, L Lu, L Zhu*, J Shi*. eLife. 2018. [中央人民广播电台]

Predicting human behavior toward members of different social groups
AC Jenkins, P Karashchuk, L Zhu, M Hsu*. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018. [ScienceDaily]
Associability-modulated loss learning is increased in posttraumatic stress disorder.
VM Brown, L Zhu, JM Wang, BC Frueh, B King-Casas*, PH Chiu*. eLife. 2018. [ScienceDaily][eLife Podcast]
JM Wang, L Zhu, VM Brown, V, R De La Garza II, T Newton, B King-Casas*, PH Chiu*. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. 2018
Gao, X#., Yu, H.#, Sáez, I., Blue, P. R., Zhu., L., Hsu, M., Zhou, X*. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018
Gao X, Liu J, Gong P, Wang J, Fang W, Yan H, Zhu L, Zhou X*. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2017
Cognitive neuroscience of honesty and deception: a signaling framework
CA Jenkins, L Zhu*, M Hsu*. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2016.
Dopamine modulates egalitarian behavior In humans
I Saez, L Zhu, E Set, A Kayser, M Hsu*. Current Biology, 2015. [Time][The Independent]
Damage to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex affects tradeoffs between honesty and self-interest
L Zhu, AC Jenkins, E Set, D Scabini, R Knight, P Chiu, B King-Casas, and Ming Hsu*. Nature Neuroscience, 2014.[Huffington Post][新华社][PsychCentral]
Dissociable contribution of prefrontal and striatal dopaminergic genes to learning in economic games
E Set, I Saez, L Zhu, D Houser, N Myung, S Zhong, RP Ebstein*, SH Chew*, and M Hsu*. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014. [ABC Online][Daily Mail]
Commentary on Ambiguous Decisions in the Human Brain
M Hsu, L Zhu. In Tom Zentall and Phil Crowley, eds. Comparative Decision Making, 2013.
L Zhu, K Mathewson, M Hsu*. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012.[Science Daily][和讯财经新闻]
Learning in games: neural computations underlying strategic learning
M Hsu, L Zhu, Louvain Economic Review, 2012.
Neuroeconomic measures of social decision-making across the lifespan
Lusha Zhu, Daniel Walsh, and Ming Hsu*. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2012.
Research Support
Understanding the production of communicative signals from a decision neuroscience perspective. Special Grant (pre-station) of the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Fund, 2022-2024, Role: PI (Qingtian Mi).
Neural mechanisms of social decision-making. National Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Major Program, No 2022ZD0205104, 2022-2026, Role: PI (L Zhu; Overarching project: Neural mechanisms and evolution of social behavior, Director: Zuoren Wang).
Neurocognitive mechanisms of learning on social networks. NSFC, No 32071095, 2021-2024, Role: PI (L Zhu)
Talent plan for young scientists. Organization Department of China, 2017, Role: PI (L Zhu)
From reinforcement to social learning: cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying social learning. NSFC, No 31671171, 2017-2020, Role: PI (L Zhu)
Decision biases: understanding, prediction, and intervention. Science and Technology Innovation, 2017-2021, Role: PI (L Zhu)
The generation and implication of social-moral emotion. NSFC, No 31630034, 2017-2021, Role on project: Co-I (PI: Xiaolin Zhou)